Anna Ganer, Obituary/Death NoticePorter County obituaries and death notices . . . .

Anna Ganer

Mrs. Brook attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Ganer.

Died at the residence of her mother in Hebron on the morning of the 17th, Mrs. Anna, wife of Wm. Ganer, of consumption, aged 32 years. She leaves a large circle of relatives, a husband and three children to mourn her loss. The funeral took place from the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. Shight. A long procession followed her to her last resting place.

Newspaper: Chesterton Tribune
Date of Publication: August 20, 1884
Volume Number: 1
Issue Number: 21
Page: 6
Column(s): 2

Key to Newspaper Publication Locations:
    Newspapers Published in Chesterton, Porter County, Indiana
                Chesterton Tribune
                The Tribune
                Westchester Tribune

    Newspapers Published in Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana
                Porter County Vidette
                Practical Observer
                Valparaiso Practical Observer
                Vidette and Republic
                Western Ranger

The obituaries and death notices appearing on this website have been transcribed exactly as they were originally published in the newspaper. Please note that we do not provide photocopies or digital scans of obituaries and death notices appearing on this website.

Obituary/death notice transcribed by Steven R. Shook


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