George Alfred Nash, Vietnam War CasualtyPorter County Data on Vietnam War Casualties . . . .
George Alfred Nash, Junior
Lance Corporal, HHC, 5th Marine Regiment
Date of Birth: January 19, 1948
Date of Death: September 6, 1967
Cause of Death: Killed in Action, gunshot/small arms fire
Hometown: Valparaiso
Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Panel 26 East, Row 14
Newspaper Notices:
Killed In Action In Vietnam
A 1966 Valparaiso High school graduate, Lance Cpl. George A. Nash, Jr., 19, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Nash, Sr., RFD 1, Box 275, has been reported killed in
action in Vietnam, according to Marine Corps officals.
Marine Corps officers informed the family Saturday that Cpl. Nash was killed
Sept. 6 in action on Hill 63, located north of DaNang, Vietnam.
Cpl. Nash entered the Marine Corps in July of 1966, following graduation. He had
been stationed in Vietnam since January. He had taken boot camp training at Camp
Pendleton, Calif. George had volunteered for sniper patrol along the North
Vietnam border in March.
Surviving besides his parents is one sister, Mrs. Edward (Cynthia) Ford,
Full military services will be held in the East, pending arrival of the body.
Source: The Vidette-Messenger, Valparaiso, Porter County, Indiana;
September 11, 1967; Volume 41, Number 58, Page 1, Column 5
Note Concerning Death:
Shortly before dawn on September 4, 1967, North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong
troops attacked United States Marines in the Que Son Valley, beginning Operation
Swift. As the battle escalated, both sides introduced additional forces. On
September 6, two battalions of the 1st Viet Ccong Regiment attacked the lead
company of the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines. Bravo Company was isolated and nearly
overrun before artillery-delivered tear gas drove the enemy back. The nearby 3rd
Battalion was heavily engaged a few hours later. When India 3/5 was dispatched
to attack an enemy held hill, it was isolated and nearly overrun by the 1st Viet
Cong Regiment's previously uncommitted 3rd Battalion. Kilo 3/5 was sent to
relieve India and, though it eventually fought through, the two-company force
could not move because of the many casualties. That night, two assaults were
repulsed. In a night attack of their own Mike 3/5 broke through to the encircled
companies, completing the disruption of the enemy force. By dawn on the 7th the
North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong had withdrawn into the surrounding
mountains. One hundred seven Marines were dead. The intensity of the fighting
can be judged by the fact that three Congressional Medals of Honor and three
Navy Crosses were awarded posthumously to marines and sailors who died in the
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List of
Porter County Vietnam War Casualties
Information abstracted and transcribed by Steven R. Shook